December 1, 2020 2023-07-26 6:22UIIC

Coordinator: Mr. Arindam Garg, Associate Professor, Department of Management
Rajiv Gandhi University has launched the University Industry Interface Cell (UIIC) in 2014, one of the first Central Universities in the Country which has incorporated this cell. The primary objective of this cell is to help facilitate interface between the University and the Industry so that students get more exposure to the Industry which would help to develop their skills and in turn increase their employability.
About the C2C Workshops :
These workshops provide an insight into what skills a student needs to pick up and what preparations one needs to make to transit smoothly into professional life and successfully work there. The transition from College to a corporate environment is a big adjustment for many graduates. Expectations and responsibilities in the workplace are very different than those in College. There are unspoken nuances and social norms that many students are completely unaware of and adjusting to a professional environment can be extremely challenging. It is important that newly passed out students are prepared for the changes and ready to adapt in order to thrive in the professional world. In this workshop, speakers from the Industry will speak on the various aspects of how the transition from Campus to Corporate i.e. professional life can be made smoother and what students need to do to increase their chances of employability in various sectors.
Objectives of the Workshops:
i. To make participants understand how transition from one’s student life to professional life can be made easier.
ii. To make the participants aware about the need to make a profound first impression in one’s new job as a dedicated, determined, disciplined and dynamic professional and how to make that impression.
iii. To elaborate on skills that is desirable and need to be developed for strengthening employability.
iv. To enumerate the expectations that Industries have from new fresh recruits and trainees. and
v. To discuss the requirements of certain specific sectors.The UIIC has organised three (3) Campus to Corporate Workshops till date and the first workshop was organised in the year 2015.
These workshops has been addressed by various Industry Personnel, some of them are:
i. Mr. D Das, Regional Manager, Vijaya Bank
ii. Mr Nabakishore Sinha Head of Planning and Implementation, Technology Vodafone India Ltd (Assam and NE circle).
iii. Ms Pinky Sarma , Manager Personnel , Assam Industrial Development Corporation ( AIDC)
iv. Mr. Pradyot Barua , Vice President, Kotak Life Insurance
v. Mr. Manoj Das, Director, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship
vi. Mr. Raktim Barooah, Sr Branch Manager, ICICI Bank Limited