Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
December 1, 2020 2023-07-22 8:56Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility

Coordinator: Prof. R. K. Singh, Department of Botany
Dy. Coordinator:: Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Department of Zoology
Year of Establishment: 2007
The Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Centre was established in the year 2007 with financial assistance from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. The centre is adequately equipped with computational facilities having 25 desktops, bioinformatics softwares and 24 hours internet connectivity. The activity of the centre is managed by two regular faculty members of the Life Sciences acting as Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator with active support from a research associate appointed out of DBT grant to the centre.
The Centre imparts training on bioinformatics to the postgraduate students, research scholars and faculty members of Life Sciences discipline besides carrying out independent research work on genomics and proteomics particularly on industrially important microorganisms, and molecular dynamics, simulation studies. In last one year, the centre has conducted two workshops/training programmes on bioinformatics benefiting 49 post graduate students of the departments of Botany and Zoology. Additionally, the centre is creating organismal databases for providing valuable information to Scientists and entrepreneurs. The databases under preparation are (i) Orchid database of Arunachal Pradesh, (ii) Fish database of Arunachal Pradesh, and (iii) Database on Aphyllophorales of North-east India. The centre has awarded studentship/traineeship to three students for creating these databases. The centre also ensures easy online access of all scientific journals being provided to the university through DBT-DeLcon consortium.