5 (Five) Days Online Workshop on Basics of C and C++ Programming

Dept. of MathematicsEvents

5 (Five) Days Online Workshop on Basics of C and C++ Programming

5 (Five) Days Online Workshop on Basics of C and C++ Programming

5 (Five) Days Online Workshop on Basics of C and C++ Programming

Series Name :Online Workshop

Presenter :Department of Mathematics in collaboration with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay

Sponser :RGU and Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay

Location :Online Mode

Department of Mathematics,  Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh is organizing 5 (Five) Days Online Workshop on Basics of C and C++ Programming from 15 -19 July, 2020 in in collaboration with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.



Online via Google Form

Fee : No registration fee.

Last Date : 12 July, 2020

Participation certificate will be provided to the attendees who fulfill the course criteria.

For more details on the workshop click here

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